Case Studies: 
(If a case study echoes with your need, please call for details and other relevant references.)
SOS Case – Conflict Management
All businesses require conflict management rather than a basic case study. In essence, a business is a compilation of resources that are gained from commitments to different stakeholders. These stakeholders consist of owners, employees, creditors, suppliers, professionals, government regulators, and customers. Adhering to those commitments—and managing the stressors of doing so—is the core of management. Every conflict in business requires conflict management. Convincing each stakeholder to pull the client’s cart in the same direction is a skill that is learned through life experience, and it often determines whether a company will succeed or fail in satisfying its commitments to all stakeholders.
SOS Case – Business Contracts and Leases
Leases, business contracts, in fact all relationships, are built on some aspect of mutually expected beneficial reciprocity. Utilizing our negotiation training, broad industry knowledge, uniquely broad skill training, certifications, and licenses, our strategic long-term approach, all coupled with our deep business pro forma skills, SOS creates win/win relationships that with the intent that the relationship lasts for all parties. SOS has been involved in numerous negotiations from complex purchase orders, equipment and building leases, loans, covenants, and debt issues, clear up to patent licensing royalties involving multinational elements.
SOS Case – Mediation
Legal costs can be exorbitant, and law cases can be used to argue both sides in a highly expensive and confrontational forum. The cultural norms of the parties and a sense of equity are often counterposed to legal rulings. Mediation is a life-learned experience that, when effective, involves situating oneself in the position of each party and fully understanding the implications of an action or decision. SOS focuses on each party’s worldview and aims to understand the facts with a strategic proposal that is sensible for all. By applying its multifarious skills, SOS negotiated a comprehensive solution with 14 creditors for a $50 million write-down of one of its client’s debts. Clarifying a situation by utilizing a trusted and competent third party can even convince a couple dozen lawyers and special asset managers to cooperate for the optimal outcome.
SOS Case – Case Strategy for Litigation
Compiling the facts in an organized system and then communicating them in simple and logical steps is critical in any legal case or conflict resolution. SOS was engaged to review 40,000 documents in a court case and report its findings in a systematic explanation. The step-by-step chronology of SOS illustrated how a banker had transformed himself into a trusted advocate as a means of committing fraud. The banker extracted $200,000 through a sleight of hand and misrepresentation, and he justified his actions through a distorted lens of rationalization. The nine elements of fraud were proven by utilizing the “banker’s” own documents and words.
SOS Case – Case Strategy for Partnership Exit Strategies
Partners often start out wanting to go in the same direction. Life happens, situations change, and businesses evolve. The partners no longer want the same thing. SOS has been engaged to work with various partner personalities in a variety of different businesses and structures. There is always a way forward that develops a win-win solution and doesn’t harm the business involved.